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Subscriptions, renewals, updates to ODM International 2022: Anna Baroni, Cento (FE) 🇮🇹

Subscriptions, renewals, updates to ODM International 2022: Anna Baroni, Cento (FE) 🇮🇹


ODM International élite Therapist Partner Plus

Physiotherapist masseuse MFT

N° reg. ODM 408/1450

Teacher agreement with International Board of Massage Therapist Association,

CIDESCO teacher 2011

Course assistant Richard Pearson

Expert in the professional area and Emilia Romagna qualification

Academy teacher for the DiBi Center

Via Tasso, 1/a

44042 Cento di Ferrara (FE) Italy

☎️ +39 338 602 7573 WhatsApp line

Earth Google professional address geolocation:

  • ODM International registration date: January 2020

  • ODM International professional profile update: Thursday June 23, 2022


Dear colleagues,

I am honored to be part of the International Board of Massage Therapist Association

Annabel School is associated with ODM International,

I invite you to learn about our training programs for physiotherapists, massage therapists, # wellness operators and massage therapists, I am a member of the ODM.

I thank the Executive Director Antonio Ruggio for the trust and esteem he has shown me over the years.

Training is the basis of our professional growth, Odm is synonymous with professionalism.

Thanks, Anna Baroni


Cari colleghi,

Sono onorato di far parte dell'International Board of Massage Therapist Associatio

Annabel School è convenzionata a ODM International,

Vi invito a conoscere i nostri programmi di formazione per fisioterapisti, massaggiatori, operatori del benessere e massaggiatori, sono membro dell'ODM International

Ringrazio il Direttore Esecutivo Antonio Ruggio per la fiducia e la stima che mi ha dimostrato negli anni.

La formazione è alla base della nostra crescita professionale, ODM è sinonimo di professionalità.

Grazie, Anna Baroni


Queridos colegas,

Me siento honrado de ser miembro de International Board of Massage Therapist Association

Annabel School tiene un acuerdo con ODM International,

Los invito a conocer nuestros programas de formación para fisioterapeutas, masajistas, operadores de bienestar y masajistas, soy miembro de ODM International

Agradezco al Director Ejecutivo Antonio Ruggio la confianza y la estima que me ha demostrado a lo largo de los años.

La formación es la base de nuestro crecimiento profesional, ODM es sinónimo de profesionalismo.

Gracias, Anna Baroni

2020 - 2022

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