Registrations, annual renewals, updating international professional profiles 2024: Mihaela Moroianu 🇷🇴, ODM International elite Therapist Partner Plus
Registrations, annual renewals, updating international professional profiles 2024: Mihaela Moroianu 🇷🇴 ODM International elite Therapist Partner Plus date of registration: 01, 2020 last updated: 17 April 2024
ODM International Elite Therapist Partner Plus
n° reg. ODM 325/1467
training credit level IQF 2, IQF 5, IQF 6 - International Qualifications Framework
training credit level IQF 2, IQF 5, IQF 6 - International Qualifications Framework
✅ Professional Qualifications
✅ Cualificaciones profesionales
✅ Qualifiche Professionali
❏ Classic preventive massage
❏ Manual lymphatic drainage
❏ Foot reflex therapy
❏ University Master in Psychomotricity Oliver Sacks University
✓ Graduated in Applied Massage Therapy with three-year training at the ODM International School of Massage Switzermand
✓ Specialist training courses at the International Academy of Applied Massage Therapy - AIMA Swiss,

training credit level IQF 2, IQF 5, IQF 6 - International Qualifications Framework

✅ Photo gallery
Biography Psychomotor Massage Therapist Biography of Mihaela Moroianu
Mihaela Moroianu is a renowned psychomotor masseuse, with a career that
spans over 10] years of experience in the sector. After graduating in
Motor Science and specializing in Psychomotor Skills, she continued her studies by obtaining a
prestigious Master's Degree in Relational Psychomotor Skills and Integrated Body Therapies. This
training path allowed her to acquire advanced skills in the use of the body and
movement as therapeutic tools for psychophysical well-being.
Her passion for teaching led her to become a professor at ODM
International, where she taught for many years, training new generations of
psychomotor therapists and massage therapists. During her academic career, she has developed
innovative study programs, integrating the latest research in the field of neuropsychomotor
skills and body therapies.
In addition to her teaching activities, Mihaela Moroianu served as the Director of
ODM International, a center of excellence dedicated to psychomotor rehabilitation and
body therapies. Under her leadership, the center has become a point of reference for the
community, offering high-quality services and continuing education programs for
professionals in the field.
Thanks to her dedication and expertise, Mihaela Moroianu is recognized as one of
the most influential figures in the field of neuropsychomotor and body therapies. She has
participated in numerous international conferences as a speaker and has published
scientific articles and manuals that have become reference texts for students and professionals.
Her holistic approach and her ability to integrate theory and practice make her a
professional appreciated not only by her patients, but also by her colleagues and students.
Mihaela Moroianu continues to contribute to the advancement of her field, combining her
practical experience with a constant commitment to research and training.
Biografia Massaggiatrice Psicocomotricista Biografia di Mihaela Moroianu
Mihaela Moroianu è una rinomata massaggiatrice psicomotricista, con una carriera che
abbraccia oltre 10] anni di esperienza nel settore. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea in Scienze
Motorie e una specializzazione in Psicomotricità, ha proseguito i suoi studi ottenendo un
prestigioso Master in Psicomotricità Relazionale e Terapie Corporee Integrate. Questo
percorso formativo le ha permesso di acquisire competenze avanzate nell'uso del corpo e del
movimento come strumenti terapeutici per il benessere psicofisico.
La sua passione per l'insegnamento l'ha portata a diventare professoressa presso ODM
International, dove ha insegnato per molti anni, formando nuove generazioni di
psicomotricisti e massaggiatori. Durante la sua carriera accademica, ha sviluppato programmi
di studio innovativi, integrando le ultime ricerche nel campo della neuropsicomotricità e delle
terapie corporee.
Oltre alla sua attività didattica, Mihaela Moroianu ha ricoperto il ruolo di direttrice presso
ODM International, un centro di eccellenza dedicato alla riabilitazione psicomotoria e alle
terapie corporee. Sotto la sua guida, il centro è diventato un punto di riferimento per la
comunità, offrendo servizi di alta qualità e programmi di formazione continua per i
professionisti del settore.
Grazie alla sua dedizione e competenza, Mihaela Moroianu è riconosciuta come una delle
figure più influenti nel campo della neuropsicomotricità e delle terapie corporee. Ha
partecipato a numerosi convegni internazionali come relatrice e ha pubblicato articoli
scientifici e manuali che sono diventati testi di riferimento per studenti e professionisti.
Il suo approccio olistico e la sua capacità di integrare teoria e pratica la rendono una
professionista apprezzata non solo dai suoi pazienti, ma anche dai suoi colleghi e studenti.
Mihaela Moroianu continua a contribuire al progresso del suo campo, combinando la sua
esperienza pratica con un impegno costante nella ricerca e nella formazione.
✅ Curriculum Vitae
Professional data:
Place of birth: Judetul Braila / Viziru / Romania
Address: Via Maggio 11, 6900 Lugano-Cassarate
Mobile Tel: +41 79 275 23 32
Permission: B
Date of birth: 06.09.1979
Professional experiences:
2001-2003 secretary at Individual Office Silvia Barladeanu, RO-7000 Bukarest
2003-2004 secretary at Banca Rumena de dezvoltare, RO-7000 Bukarest
2004-2010 Waitress at various tourist centres
2010-2011 Domestic help carer at Paolo Moro, Via Sosto 13, 6710 Biasca
2011-2015 Waitress at Hotel Svizzero, 6710 Biasca
2016-2017 Independent activity as a nail technician, Nail & Beauty 6900 Lugano
2018-2019 Internship at Dr. Coler's dental practice, Corso Elvezia 20, 6900 Lugano
1994-1998 High School Economics
1998-1999 Accounting course on computer
1998-2000 Bank employee diploma, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Institute, Romania
2013-2020 Private German course
2015-2016 Nail technique courses, Crystal Nails, Lugano
2017-2018 Eyelash extension and hair removal courses with lavender waxing
2018-2020 School for Medical Office Secretary and Dental Office Assistant
2019 Hypnosis in Action and Photo Reading Course
2020 Dream Massage
Language skills:
Romanian Mother tongue
Excellent spoken and written Italian
Good spoken and written German
Good spoken and written English
French Spoken and written basic knowledge
IT skills:
Word, Exel, Power point, Banana and other accounting programs
✅ Other study certifications
✅ Otras certificaciones de estudio
✅ Atre certificazioni di studio
Mihaela Moroianu 🇷🇴 elite Therapist Partner Plus, ODM International Accreditation Board Certificado ISO 9001:2015
training credit level IQF 2, IQF 5, IQF 6 - International Qualifications Framework
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