ODM International video gallery
ODM International & Partners VIDEO
Video publication, selected by our team of experts from all the material sent by elite therapist members, university centers, schools and professional associations, SPA & Wellness centers affiliated with the International Board of Massage Therapist Association
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Publicación de video, seleccionado por nuestro equipo de expertos de todo el material enviado por miembros de terapeutas de élite, centros universitarios, escuelas y asociaciones profesionales, centros de SPA & Wellness afiliados a la International Board of Massage Therapist Association
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Pubblicazione video, selezionati dal nostro Team di esperti tra tutto il materiale inviato dai soci terapisti d'élite, dai centri universitari, scuole ed associazioni professionali, centri SPA & Wellness convenzionati con International Board of Massage Therapist Association
during this time there were many different events
now in the Assocaition- process of updating and rebooting
we have prepared for you a lot of new options, opportunities and projects.
We have always strived for the highest quality - it is this value that has become the brand of Switzerland, as well as our motto in the Association - INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF MASSAGE THERAPIST ASSOCIATION
Creating training programs, working with each member of the Association and with teachers - we always maintain the quality of our work and results
Stable is something that is constantly evolving. We do our best to ensure that in modern conditions the development of their professional skills has become the norm for every specialist.
interesting story of the growth and development of Maria Stoica (Zurich) - she is a member of our Association, now as well as hundreds of other masters - confessions of a therapist by the Swiss Association
Maria received her well-deserved certificate of a medical massage specialist - a member of the Association, in which massage masters from more than 32 countries participate.
Follow our news - there will be a lot of them soon.
June 2, 2022 Italy Republic Day
The Municipal Administration awarded Antonio Ruggio deserving citizenship for welcoming Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war, as a gesture of high civil and moral value. example of solidarity, generosity and social inclusion
La Administración Municipal concedió a Antonio Ruggio la ciudadanía merecida por acoger a los refugiados ucranianos que huían de la guerra, como gesto de alto valor civil y moral. ejemplo de solidaridad, generosidad e inclusión social
L'Amministrazione Comunale la cittadinanza benemerita a Antonio Ruggio per aver accolto i profughi ucraini in fuga dalla guerra, quale gesto di alto valore civile e morale. esempio di solidarietà, generosità e inclusione sociale
ODM Informatica meeting Lugano, Switzerland 2017
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✳️ Video presentation of some ODM International sections
✳️ Video presentación de algunas secciones de ODM Internacional
✳️ Video presentazione di alcune sezioni ODM International
Latest video nominations ambassadors ODM International
Monika Milchzarek 🇬🇧
Dorina Ciupitu 🇷🇴
Lavdije Claudia Musaj 🇦🇱
Margaret J. Cerna Sagredo 🇨🇱
Lorena Vanesa Berthe 🇦🇷
Prof. L. Gianluca Egidi 🇮🇹