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🇨🇭 ODM International accreditation February 2019: Canine massotherapy method Prof. Gianluca Egidi,

ODM International accreditation February 2019:

Canine massotherapy method Prof. Gianluca Egidi, Pescara Italy

On the basis of a careful analysis of the scientific material produced and having read all the statistical work carried out,

We are pleased to recognize the canine massotherapy technique Egidi methodas valid

Certificate of technical accreditation conferred to:

Gianluca Egidi

Operating therapist member registration number ODM 336/1342

Massotherapy is a discipline that is based on a specific type of manipulation, aimed at strengthening the body structure, for example to improve blood and lymphatic circulation or in case of muscular problems. It is a technique that is increasingly used to help four-legged friends, not only when there are established health problems, but also as a prevention for arthritis or muscle pain. A session of Massoterapia Canina, consists of u. na series of manipulations, very sweet and delicate, which try to rebalance the internal systems of the dog, starting from a single common point: the vertebral structure.

Depending on the condition of the dog, this technique, the current aims to restore joint mobility or muscle motility of the animal, improve blood supply to promote the oxygenation of cells, normalize the interaction of the central nervous system with others systems, such as the immune, endocrine and lymphatic systems. Moreover, thanks to the massage therapy it is also possible to improve the respiratory system and the diaphragm. In short, it is a technique that can find several applications, depending on the clinical condition of the pet and on the advice of their vet.

Techniques used:

The techniques used are different, depending on the need: we move from the structural technique, which consists of the joint manipulation, to the functional technique, which is applied to the tissues of the joints. Among other techniques we also mention the cranial one (it acts specifically on the biological rhythm) and the fascial one (which aims to eliminate the tensions of the fascial tissues), the visceral one (aimed at the resolution of intestinal and endocrinal or urinary gastro lesions), and finally the muscular one, perhaps the most used technique to act on muscle tone.

Structural technique or trust

It deals with the "dysfunctions" or restrictions on the movement of the musculoskeletal system. It is the most known technique conceived in the massotherapy field and not only. Used mainly in the case of muscular pain, back pain, sciatica. The operator searches through anatomical knowledge the accurate biomechanics and palpation, the joints with an abnormal movement restriction. (Concept of "reduced range of motion").

The manipulation or trust in this case is given by a decided-fast and limited movement in the radius and is often accompanied by a characteristic noise "tuc, clac ..." In fact, the "crash" is due to the expansion of the gases in the synovia (comparable to the effect that one has when removing a lid from a pot with a certain pressure) and does not necessarily indicate the success of the therapy. If carried out by expert hands it is not painful and does not represent dangers.

It is certainly to be avoided in the presence of tumors, severe osteoporosis with the risk of fractures, very weakened organisms, highly contracted or scary animals and reluctant to accept manipulations or deep pressures. The size of the animal is not important, the trust can be made on a 2 kg poodle dog or on a 700 kg horse.

Cranio-sacral technique

It can be applied to all species and all individuals. It is based on the perception and analysis of the primary respiratory movement. It corresponds to a fluctuation, wave movement of the tissue liquids and can be perceived by expert hands in every part of the body. If we consider the body as a whole it is clear that every "block or dysfunction" will correspond to a restriction in the mobility of connective tissue, and this will affect the MRP.

This technique is very "precise and delicate" and is well suited even to uncooperative patients. Apparently the "listening" masseur seems inoperative but it is surprising how the animal gradually disappears and appreciates the treatment as the tensions disappear. This technique requires a long apprenticeship but once known it has the advantage of combining diagnosis and therapy at the same time without sudden movements and without causing pain. It adapts very well to elderly patients with chronic osteoarticular problems, severe injuries, discopathy, heart disease and related respiratory problems (through the treatment of the dorsal-lumbar belt and the diaphragm).

Fascial and / or myofascial technique

It is based on the perception of the connective tissue as a whole to make diagnosis and treatment. It consists in the analysis of the various tissue movements of the whole organism. The bands or membranes (constituted by connective) cover every type of anatomical structure: muscles, tendons, viscera, blood vessels, nervous tissue, .. Their anatomical continuity relationship allows the transmission of all necessary osteopathic information.

Corresponds to a superficial and / or deep massage limited to some areas or generalized. It can be painful in the presence of chronic muscle injury. It is often practiced after the "trust" to solve chronic diseases. In fact each type of lesion has a cellular memory and in the presence of old / chronic lesions the tissues tend to get stuck again. Muscle tensions alone are often sufficient to cause dysfunction at the vertebral or peripheral joints.

Visceral technique

It deals with the viscera ie the organs contained in the abdominal and thoracic cavity. This is an approach based on neuro-anatomical and neuro-physiological relationships of the autonomic nervous system (responsible for the functioning of the viscera) in relation to the voluntary nervous system (responsible, for example, of the muscles of the limbs, joints ...)

It deals with the close balance between vertebral biomechanics and correct visceral functioning, each structure acting on the other permanently seeking a dynamic equilibrium. In an approach similar to the perception of MRP, the operator can perceive and influence the individual movement of the various organs. Corresponds to a massage at the abdomen or thorax level.

clinical indications

An owner can contact the Canino Massotherapist for various reasons:

Skeletal Muscle Disorders: lameness, vertebral pain (lumbago, dorsalgia, cervicalgia) pelvic problems or peripheral joints. These disorders are not necessarily accompanied by pain. Often the only symptom of a subclinical disorder is decreased resistance or stress tolerance (sport dogs).

Chronic visceral functional disorders: chronic vomiting, digestive problems, chronic cough, birth or gynecological problems, (mare that does not go into heat, stiff mare after childbirth).

Dermatological or ENT disorders: acute or chronic dermatitis, recurrent pyoderma, otitis, rhinitis, chronic gingivitis.

Behavioral disorders: when linked to chronic pains that are difficult to diagnose otherwise, for example, Canto C1 C2 atlanto-occipital cervical blocks.

Disorders related to the period of growth: we recommend regular checks to puppies, especially of giant breeds or races predisposed to diseases such as elbow dysplasia, hips, OCD ..

In prevention: working dogs (civil protection, avalanche, rubble research, police) sport dogs (agility, hunting): preventive checks every 3-4 months to preserve the optimal shape and adequately treat functional pathologies still in the subclinical state.

In post-surgical rehabilitation: in support of other measures such as physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, in the recovery of the correct postural posture, in the correction of compensatory postures, muscular "disbalance".

In the elderly dog: they like craniosacral and myofascial therapy, it improves the comfort, in the presence of chronic osteochondrosis, reduces the need for analgesic drugs.

Absolute contraindications

Every type of fracture, complete dislocation both vertebral and peripheral, acute disc herniation

Not or poorly indicated

In the sense that massotherapy treatments can not bring great improvements

Tumor, infectious, genetic or neurological diseases

Diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus where there is a clear surgical indication, eg OCD, ruptured knee ligaments.

Depending on the physical activity of the patient and the type of race, different problems will be encountered.

For example, a Border Collie dog that practices agility will have problems partly related to obstacles (scale, bridge, tunnel) and partly related to the torsion of the back induced by extremely fast movements (eg slalom). The massage therapist will observe dysfunctions at the lumbosacral level, as well as at the level of the scapulohumeral joint and of the knee. A Malinois or Rottweiler from Ring will often present dysfunctions at the atlanto-occipital level and the first cervical vertebrae due to the attack on the helper with a bite, or dysfunctions of the rachis or pelvis due to the jump of the palisade.

A greyhound running in the racetrack (oval shape) will more easily present cervical-dorsal and neck dysfunctions due to the stabilizing role of the neck in the gallop and dysfunctions or trauma to the fingers, sesamoids or carpus joints and tarsus due to different stresses in propulsion and maintenance of the tender trajectory.

Other examples in search dogs for scraps or rescue in water is extremely important that they are equipped with "adequate harnesses" in order to facilitate their ascent on the boat or boat or overcoming difficult obstacles. Thus injuries or muscular contractures that could significantly reduce performance will be avoided.

In summary, we can state that Canine Massotherapy offers an integral and multimodal approach for the resolution of various diseases. Whether it's treating painful conditions or improving the performance of athletic dogs or simply improving the comfort of your dog, massage therapy should become a regular practice. It completes the breeder's selection work, the work of the instructor and the indispensable care of the trusted veterinarian and the owner.


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