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Exactly one year ago I was in Kiev 🇺🇦

Exactly one year ago I was in Kiev 🇺🇦

Exactly one year ago I was in Kiev.

I still want to thank Tamila Rzaeva and all the Ukrainian friends for organizing 3 wonderful weeks of work for me, my first master class in Ukraine, top meetings with colleagues and managers of companies and SPA ,,, Covid has blown the projects of this quest 'year but we have maintained excellent relationships and worked hard to keep our projects and promises alive.

See you soon Ukraine !!!

Esattamente un anno fa ero a Kiev 🇺🇦

Voglio ancora ringraziare Tamila Rzaeva e tutti gli amici ucraini per avermi organizzato 3 meravigliose settimane di lavoro,la mia prima master class in Ucraina, incontri al vertice con colleghi e responsabili di ditte e SPA ,,, il Covid ha fatto saltare i progetti di quest'anno ma abbiamo mantenuto ottimi rapporti e lavorato duramente per mantenere vivi i nostri progetti e le nostre promesse.

Arrivederci a presto Ucraina!!!

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