Registration 2021, Gustavo Carols Foti 🇦🇷, ODM International elite partner therapist
Subscriptions, renewals, updates to ODM International 2023 : Gustavo C. Foti 🇦🇷 ODM International registration date: April 14, 2023 Start of ODM international professional profile creation: Thursday, June 17, 2021 Last updated on Saturday september 23, 2023
International Elite Therapist Partner Plus & Blogger
n° reg. ODM 442/1484
Escuela Argentina De Masaje
professional address:
Calle Santa Ana 2463
de la Localidad de Miramar Partido de General Alvarado,
Provincia de Buenos Aires.
☎️ +54 9 2291 50-4028
Professional address geolocation 3D
✅ Galería de fotos de certificaciones de estudio
✅ Photo gallery of study certifications
✅ Photo gallery certificazioni di studio
My name is Gustavo Foti, Director of the Therapeutic Center of the Coast, (Therapeutic and educational support center), since 2013 we have been teaching courses and training from its extension CENTRO DE CAPACITACION INTEGRAL (Argentina) and CENTRO DE CAPACITACION INTERNACIONAL (For Latin America and the world).
With 25 Affiliated Schools we offer:
Our name of national and international recognition accompanying your school.
Advertising support on social networks.
Our certificates endorsed by a national NGO. A.C.E.A.S. (Southern Association of Cosmetology, Aesthetics and Allies) Ce.Re.Ni.L. (Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children), A.F.T.E.A. (Association of Educational and Alternative Therapists Trainers) A.C.E.P. and M. (Association of Aesthetics, Hairdressing and Makeup). A.M.E.M. (Association of Masseurs and Estheticians of Misiones).
The International Training Center also has the membership of the
Alliance with UMAPE (Union of Masseurs of Peru).
Alliance with FECOBES (Colombian Federation of Beauty and Aesthetics)
Alliance with L ́Marie Institute of Venezuela
Alliance with CapEs of Argentina
Alliance with Lis Wellnes
Trainer / Trainer Course throughout the year to guarantee their status as instructor / trainer, compulsory and free.
Connection and educational exchange between schools in different countries.
Short courses are carried out according to the specialty so that they have a quick job exit, and can then continue training with other related courses.
Comprehensive Training Center +549 2291 504028
International Board of Massage Therapist Association South America Section
Our Academic Director, Graciela Mova, will be in charge of providing the didactic and pedagogical support, reviewing the programs or making them for an equivalent presentation among all our Affiliated Schools.
Our Schools to date: Province of Buenos Aires:
Mar del Plata (Headquarters), Graciela Mova Miramar- Silvana Duarte
Los Toldos- Maite Casarini
Bell- Irma Gimenez
Cnel. Pringles- Beatriz Castillo
Bahía Blanca- Maria del Mar Espinel
Junín - Patricia Lazarte
Tres Arroyos / Ostende- Marcela Catalano Monte Grande- Adriana Sotelo
Colonel Suarez- Alejandra Baleman
Florencio Varela-Ulloa morales Anabella
Rafael Calzada- Monica Galmarini
Province of Entre Ríos:
Concordia- Claudia Paredes
Colon / San José / Federal / Ubajay- Hugo Pastorini
Integral Training Center
☎️ +549 2291 504028
Nacionalidad: ARGENTINA Fecha de Nac: 10 de diciembre 1964
Domicilio actual: Olavarría 2439 Mar del Plata –Provincia de Buenos Aires –República Argentina . Estudios y capacitaciones:
• Terapia Craneo Sacral-Somato Emocional
• Auxiliar en Geriatría
• Auriculoterapia
• Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA)
• Fisioterapia Básica
• Maestría Docente Reiki Usui
• Estética y Masaje corporal
• Elongaciones y Masaje Deportivo
• Terapia Vibracional
Centro de Capacitacion Integral +549 2291 504028
• Masaje Relajante y Descontracturante
• Masaje Holístico Bioenergético
• Coaching en Estética
• Masoterapeuta Oncológico
• Capacitador
• Formador de Formadores
• Disertante en el 1er-2do y 3er Congreso Nacional de Masajistas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Arg.
• Disertante en el 2do Expo Congreso de Estética Bahía Blanca Arg. 2020
• Disertante en los conversatorios de “EA Unión de Esteticistas Internacionales”.
• Director del Centro Terapéutico de la Costa
• Titular adjunto y Director del Centro de Capacitación Integral
• Titular adjunto del Centro de Capacitación Internacional
☎️ +549 223 6211234
☎️ +549 2291 504028
☎️ +549 0223 4512323
Que feo es hacer una AUTOBIOGRAFÍA.
Relatar sin un vaso en la mano y sin un interlocutor de compañía, pero bueno acá voy. Nacido en la Ciudad de Quilmes República Argentina (localidad de una de las mejores cervezas de nuestro País de nombre homónimo), viví con mis padres hasta los 19 años, época en que finalice mis estudios secundarios y el 1er año del profesorado de Catequesis. Ya radicado en la Costa marítima del Atlántico, realicé estudios docentes (profesorado de enseñanza primaria) los cuales no concluí por falta de tiempo que me llevaba el trabajo para subsistir. Como nómade me traslado a la ciudad Capital de la Argentina y realizo mis primeras incursiones en el masaje, con cursos muy básicos pero que me permitió conocer distintas técnicas que luego iría profundizando. Pasaron casi 10 años cuando abrí mi primer consultorio Bioenergético en la Ciudad de Miramar, donde entrelazaba técnicas de masaje con reiki. Accidentalmente a los pocos años comencé el dictado de cursos para aquellas personas que querían conocer esta técnica milenaria y utilizando el Sistema Lancasteriano nuestro Centro fue creciendo año a año de manera vertiginosa, con Proyectos Federales donde salíamos con mi esposa a enseñar a los confines de nuestro extenso País. Muchos de nuestros ex alumnos hoy colegas querían seguir transmitiendo, como es nuestra manera de pensar, esos conocimientos que fueron adquiriendo y es así como se generaron las Escuelas del CCI, Centro de Capacitación Integral y posteriormente las del Centro de Capacitación Internacional con colegas de otros Países con la misma inquietud. Mientras se desarrolla este ambicioso Proyecto sigo atendiendo en mi humilde consultorio en Mar del Plata y continúo capacitándome en nuevas técnicas, ya que el aprendizaje es INFINITO.
Com'è brutto fare un'AUTOBIOGRAFIA.
Raccontare senza bicchiere in mano e senza un compagno interlocutore, ma eccomi.
Nato nella città di Quilmes, Repubblica Argentina (paese di una delle migliori birre del nostro paese con lo stesso nome), ho vissuto con i miei genitori fino all'età di 19 anni, quando ho terminato gli studi secondari e il 1 ° anno di insegnamento della catechesi .
Già basato sulla costa del mare atlantico, ho fatto studi educativi (insegnanti di scuola primaria) che non ho finito per mancanza di tempo che il lavoro mi ha preso per sopravvivere.
Da nomade, mi sono trasferita nella capitale dell'Argentina e ho fatto le mie prime incursioni nel massaggio, con corsi molto basilari che mi hanno permesso di apprendere diverse tecniche che poi approfondirò.
Sono passati quasi 10 anni quando ho aperto la mia prima pratica Bioenergetica nella Città di Miramar, dove ho intrecciato tecniche di massaggio con Reiki.
Casualmente qualche anno dopo ho iniziato a tenere corsi per chi voleva conoscere questa tecnica millenaria e utilizzando il Sistema Lancasteriano il nostro Centro cresceva anno dopo anno in maniera vertiginosa, con Progetti Federali dove uscivamo con mia moglie per insegnare ai confini del nostro vasto paese.
Molti dei nostri ex studenti, ora colleghi, hanno voluto continuare a trasmettere, come è il nostro modo di pensare, quella conoscenza che stavano acquisendo ed è così che le Scuole CCI, Centro di Formazione Integrale e successivamente quelle del Centro Internazionale di Formazione sono state generate con i colleghi da altri Paesi con la stessa preoccupazione.
Mentre si sviluppa questo ambizioso Progetto, continuo a frequentare il mio umile ufficio a Mar del Plata e continuo ad allenarmi in nuove tecniche, poiché l'apprendimento è INFINITO.
How ugly it is to do an AUTOBIOGRAPHY.
To relate without a glass in hand and without a companion interlocutor, but here I go.
Born in the City of Quilmes, Argentine Republic (the town of one of the best beers in our country with the same name), I lived with my parents until I was 19 years old, when I finished my secondary studies and the 1st year of teaching Catechesis.
Already based on the Atlantic sea coast, I did educational studies (primary school teachers) which I did not finish due to lack of time that work took me to survive.
As a nomad, I moved to the capital city of Argentina and made my first forays into massage, with very basic courses that allowed me to learn different techniques that I would later deepen.
Almost 10 years passed when I opened my first Bioenergetic practice in the City of Miramar, where I interwoven massage techniques with Reiki.
Accidentally a few years later I began to teach courses for those who wanted to know this millenary technique and using the Lancasterian System our Center grew year after year in a vertiginous way, with Federal Projects where we went out with my wife to teach to the confines of our extensive country.
Many of our former students, now colleagues, wanted to continue transmitting, as is our way of thinking, that knowledge that they were acquiring and that is how the CCI Schools, Integral Training Center and later those of the International Training Center were generated with colleagues from other Countries with the same concern.
While this ambitious Project is being developed, I continue to attend my humble office in Mar del Plata and I continue to train myself in new techniques, since learning is INFINITE.
✅ Gustavo C. Foti is part of the group of directors agreed ODM International South America
✅ Gustavo C. Foti forma parte del grupo de directores acordado ODM International South America
✅ Gustavo C. Foti é facente parte del gruppo di direttori convenzionati ODM International Sudamerica
Misiones Province:
Leandro N. Alem- Balbina Ramos
Puerto Piray- Maria Priscila Barboza Province of La Pampa:
Santa Rosa- Olga Zuñiga Province of Salta:
Salta Capital- Tatiana Nell
Metan / Rosario de la Frontera / Tartagal- Silvia Sutar Province of Chaco:
Pte. Roque Saenz Peña- Verónica Maya
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires:
Villa Urquiza- Angelina Medina Varela
Neuquen Province:
Chos Malal- Mariela Bizzo
Schools Adhered to International Level
VENEZUELA, San Felipe - Carlín Carmona
CHILE, La Serena - Paiva Morales Natalia
COSTA RICA, Heredia- Carla Barquero
Comprehensive Training Center
+549 2291 504028
These Affiliated Schools are part of the Non-Formal Education System or Basic Professional Training.