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Summer/autumn 2019 newsletter Newsletter estate/autunno 2019

Summer/autumn 2019 newsletter

Newsletter estate/autunno 2019


open enrollment professional training modules in

therapeutic massage

including basic academic medicine module

beginning 02 October 2019

deadline 17 June 2020

recognized throughout Switzerland by Swiss health insurance (health insurance companies).

aperte iscrizioni formazione professionale moduli in

massaggio terapeutico

incluso modulo di medicina accademica di base

inizio 02 ottobre 2019

termine 17 giugno 2020

riconosciuto in tutta la Svizzera dalle assicurazioni sanitarie elvetiche (Casse Malati).

19, 20, 21 September 2019

🇺🇦 Festival of authorial massage techniques,

1, 2, 3 October 2019

🇨🇭🇺🇦 You too enter the Guinness of primate projects !!!

🇨🇭 28, 29 September 2019

corso specialistico di:

“Walking pince roulet visage”

con 🇮🇹 Maria Rita Valentini

Lugano, professional training courses for care auxiliaries

information evening: Tuesday, August 16, 2019

start: Saturday 24 August 2019

Swiss Avenir Association &

The final diploma is certified Procert EDUQUA

equivalent to the Swiss Red Cross diploma

Lugano, corsi di formazione professionale per ausiliari di cura

serata informativa: martedì 16 agosto 2019

inizio: sabato 24 agosto 2019

Associazione Swiss Avenir &

Il diploma finale è certificato Procert EDUQUA

equivalente al diploma Croce Rossa Svizzera

le ultime iscrizioni:

🇨🇭2019 awards from our members by Swiss health insurers: Dr. Federica Zizzo

registration 2019


🇮🇹 MFT Roger Battiston,

Rzaieva Tamila,

chairman of the Union SPA Professionals, Resorts and Wellness facilities in Ukraine, founder and teacher of the “International SPA-Academy”,🇺🇦-registration-2019-Rzaieva

🇺🇦 Membership registration 2019:

Dr. Ruslan Dubuk

🇺🇦 registration 2019:

Ukrainian Union Professionals SPA, Resorts and Wellness

registration 2019

🇭🇺 Therapist partners section Hungary:

Marta Mojzes

🇨🇱 Registrations 2019 section Chile:

Pablo Andrés Salgado Meneses

Also operating in Brazil 🇧🇷 and Italy 🇮🇹

🇮🇹 Iscrizioni soci terapisti 2019:

Dott. Ciro Zizzo

🇮🇹 Affiliations schools and professional associations 2019, ASFOM Academy - Valenzano (BA) Italy

🇨🇭 Members recognized by Swiss health insurance companies 2019: Arianna Battaglia

🇨🇭Recognition of our therapist partners from health insurance in Switzerland:

🇷🇸Biserka Stojic

🇨🇭Recognition of our therapist partners from health insurance in Switzerland:

🇮🇹 Edda Castelli


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