Registration December 2020 International Board of Massage Therapist Association: Nicola Pasquali🇮🇹
Registration December 2020 International Board of Massage Therapist Association
Nicola Pasquali ODM International elite therapist partner
N ° Reg. ODM 329/1471
Zu method reflexologist,
Tuina PED operator,
Massage therapistDipl.
Professional address:
Via Lavizzari 4
6850 Mendrisio (TI)
004 176 228 82 92 🇨🇭
0039031 30 49 55 🇮🇹
♻️ 🇮🇹 ♻️ 🇨🇭 ♻️ 🇮🇹 ♻️ 🇨🇭 ♻️ 🇮🇹 ♻️ 🇨🇭 ♻️ 🇮🇹 ♻️ 🇨🇭 ♻️🇮🇹 ♻️ 🇨🇭 ♻️
Iscrizioni dicembre 2020 International Board of Massage Therapist Association
Nicola Pasquali socio terapista d'élite ODM International
N° Reg. ODM 329/1471
Riflessologo metodo Zu,
Operatore Tuina PED,
Massaggiatore Dipl.
Indirizzo professionale :
Via Lavizzari 4
6850 Mendrisio (TI)
004176 228 82 92 🇨🇭
0039031 30 49 55 🇮🇹