Korean relaxation, a little known oriental discipline, part 2 - the treatment of the hand
Korean relaxation, a little known oriental discipline.
mobilization of the upper limb dedicated to the treatment of the hand.
In this video I show a small part of the upper limb mobilization techniques dedicated to the treatment of the hand.
These manual skills can be easily incorporated into any complete massage method.
They are used to give more mobility to the client / patient's hand, and to recover the sensitivity that is perhaps a little dormant.
We use our hands a lot but mainly with the same daily movements while the hands of the human being are designed for hundreds of many small and large movements that the human being no longer exercises, and has lost its memory over time.
a good treatment of the hand in addition to the classic reactivation of the haemolymphatic circulation gives a great sense of relaxation because a great accumulation of conscious and unconscious tension affects this complex articulation of a thousand movements.
How often do we clench our fists while sleeping?
How many times is the hand affected even by apparently insignificant micro traumas?
The benefit of the hand massage gives a great sense of general well-being to our clients / patients.
The treatment of the hand by the masseur can be of great help and support to fellow physiotherapists and occupational therapists in post-operative recovery treatments following which part of the mobility of the hand must be promptly reactivated from the first days after the same intervention.
I state this not only as a medical masseur but also as a former operating room assistant.
Often the masseurs, in the practice of a complete classic massage do not devote much time to the precious hands of their clients, and it is a real lack.
Dear colleagues, I urge you to take note and act accordingly, give more space to the treatment of the hands while performing a classic massage
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Rilassamento coreano, una disciplina orientale poco conosciuta.
mobilizzazione dell'arto superiore dedicate al trattamento della mano.
In questo video mostro una piccola parte delle tecniche di mobilizzazione dell'arto superiore dedicate al trattamento della mano.
Queste manualità possono essere tranquillamente inserite in un qualsiasi metodo di massaggio completo.
Servono a donare più mobilità alla mano del cliente/paziente, e a far recuperare la sensibilità magari un po' sopita.
Usiamo molto le mani ma prevalentemente con gli stessi movimenti quotidiani mentre le mani dell'essere umano sono concepite per centinaia di molti piccoli e grandi movimenti che l'essere umano non esercita più, e ne ha perso la memoria nel tempo.
un buon trattamento della mano oltre alla classica riattivazione della circolazione emo linfatica dona un gran senso di distensione poiché un grande accumulo tensione conscia ed inconscia interessa questa complessa articolazione dei mille movimenti.
Quante volte ci capita di stringere i pugni durante il sonno?
Quante volte la mano viene interessata anche solo da micro traumi apparentemente insignificanti?
Il beneficio del massaggio praticato alle mani dona un gran senso di benessere generale ai nostri clienti/pazienti.
Il trattamento della mano da parte del massaggiatore può essere di grande aiuto e supporto ai colleghi fisioterapisti ed ergoterapisti nei trattamenti di recupero post operatori a seguito dei quali parte della mobilità della mano deve prontamente essere riattivata sin dai primi giorni dopo lo stesso intervento.
Affermo questo non solo come massaggiatore medico ma anche come ex assistente di sala operatoria.
Spesso i massaggiatori, nella pratica di un massaggio classico completo non dedicano molto tempo alle preziose mani dei propri assistiti, ed é una vera mancanza.
Cari colleghi vi esorto a prenderne atto e ad agite di conseguenza, date più spazio al trattamento delle mani durante l'esecuzione di un massaggio classico
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Relajación coreana, disciplina oriental poco conocida.
Movilización de la extremidad superior dedicada al tratamiento de la mano.
En este video muestro una pequeña parte de las técnicas de movilización de miembros superiores dedicadas al tratamiento de la mano.
Estas habilidades manuales se pueden incorporar fácilmente a cualquier método de masaje completo.
Se utilizan para dar más movilidad a la mano del cliente / paciente, y para recuperar la sensibilidad que quizás esté un poco dormida.
Usamos mucho nuestras manos pero principalmente con los mismos movimientos diarios mientras que las manos del ser humano están diseñadas para cientos de muchos movimientos pequeños y grandes que el ser humano ya no ejerce, y ha perdido la memoria con el tiempo.
un buen trato de la mano además de la clásica reactivación de la circulación hemolinfática da una gran sensación de relajación porque una gran acumulación de tensión consciente e inconsciente afecta a esta compleja articulación de mil movimientos.
¿Con qué frecuencia apretamos los puños mientras dormimos?
¿Cuántas veces la mano se ve afectada incluso por micro traumas aparentemente insignificantes?
El beneficio del masaje de manos brinda una gran sensación de bienestar general a nuestros clientes / pacientes.
El tratamiento de la mano por parte del masajista puede ser de gran ayuda y apoyo a los compañeros fisioterapeutas y terapeutas ocupacionales en tratamientos de recuperación postoperatoria tras los cuales parte de la movilidad de la mano debe reactivarse rápidamente desde los primeros días tras la misma intervención.
Lo digo no solo como masajista médico, sino también como ex asistente de quirófano.
A menudo los masajistas, en la práctica de un completo masaje clásico, no dedican mucho tiempo a las preciosas manos de sus clientes, y es una auténtica carencia.
Estimados compañeros, les insto a que tomen nota y actúen en consecuencia, den más espacio al tratamiento de las manos durante la ejecución de un masaje clásico.
Korean relaxation, a little known oriental discipline.
mobilization of the upper limb dedicated to the treatment of the hand.
In this video I show a small part of the upper limb mobilization techniques dedicated to the treatment of the hand.
These manual skills can be easily incorporated into any complete massage method.
They are used to give more mobility to the client / patient's hand, and to recover the sensitivity that is perhaps a little dormant.
We use our hands a lot but mainly with the same daily movements while the hands of the human being are designed for hundreds of many small and large movements that the human being no longer exercises, and has lost its memory over time.
a good treatment of the hand in addition to the classic reactivation of the haemolymphatic circulation gives a great sense of relaxation because a great accumulation of conscious and unconscious tension affects this complex articulation of a thousand movements.
How often do we clench our fists while sleeping?
How many times is the hand affected even by apparently insignificant micro traumas?
The benefit of the hand massage gives a great sense of general well-being to our clients / patients.
The treatment of the hand by the masseur can be of great help and support to fellow physiotherapists and occupational therapists in post-operative recovery treatments following which part of the mobility of the hand must be promptly reactivated from the first days after the same intervention.
I state this not only as a medical masseur but also as a former operating room assistant.
Often the masseurs, in the practice of a complete classic massage do not devote much time to the precious hands of their clients, and it is a real lack.
Dear colleagues, I urge you to take note and act accordingly, give more space to the treatment of the hands while performing a classic massage
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