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Fulvia Reganzin 🇮🇹 teacher with international accreditation ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015 international credit level IQF 5

Fulvia Reganzin 🇮🇹 teacher with international accreditation ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015 international credit level IQF 5 - International Qualifications Framework

The EEA Experience Evaluation Commission congratulates Fulvia Reganzin 🇮🇹 for completing the first semester of the training course valid for the international accreditation of teachers/directors of professional bodies.

Since Fulvia Reganzin 🇮🇹 fully satisfied all the international regulations and guidelines ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015, the international teacher accreditation level 5 credits was issued for her.

Best wishes Fulvia for the 2nd semester just started which will lead to IQF credit level 6

La Commissione di Valutazione delle Esperienze Acquisite EEA si congratula con Fulvia Reganzin 🇮🇹 per aver completato il primo semestre del percorso formativo valevole per l'accreditamento internazionale docenti/direttori degli enti professionali.

Avendo Fulvia Reganzin 🇮🇹 soddisfatto a pieno tutte le normative internazionali e linee guida ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015 é stato erogato per lei l'accreditamento internazionale di docente livello crediti 5.

Auguri Fulvia per il 2° semestre appena iniziato che porterà a livello crediti IQF 6

Double certification of study hours

Doppia certificazione delle ore di studio

Doble certificación de horas de estudio


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ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015

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