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Good morning,

in order to promote the activities of our members we intend to publish interview articles, are you interested? We enclose a small guide that can give you some indications about it.

Thanks for collaboration,

good day and good work.

It would be nice to present it with an article as if it were an interview.

Could you kindly write it by answering the following questions?

1. How was your passion for massage therapy born?

2. How did it come to life and how did it develop over the years?

3. has anyone encouraged or supported you on this journey?

4. What were the main difficulties encountered on this path?

5. What are your projects in the workplace?

6. How did you come into contact with our association and what are your expectations?

7. What are your intentions how and to what extent do you want to engage?

We will gladly attach your thoughts in the form of an article and if you later have professional topics to deal with, we will include them in the list of our bloggers who publish on our site articles of a scientific, social and humanistic nature, giving voice to our category, informing colleagues, students and users and of course publicizing their professional activities.

if you have photographic material related to your professional and work training, please attach it now or later for future articles.


• the author of the articles authorizes us to publish them.

• The articles are published in the English language and in the original language of our blogers (registered and currently represented by us in 28 countries).

• The articles are published several times both on our official website and on the pages and groups we use on social networks.

• it is possible to insert in the articles at your discretion a professional address, and contacts but not advertising forms linked to the same activities (promotions, discounts, special offers, etc.), for this type of service we will organize separately shortly, always on our website / blog , an "e-shop" service extended to users.

Send to:

* your article / interview

* your historical photos

* "you tube" videos or publications

* your authorization to publish


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