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Registration 2019: Paolo Leoni Italy section.

Registration 2019: Paolo Leoni Italy section

I don't know exactly how I fell in love with massage therapy. Since I was a child I have always loved the world of massage and motor activity, after having attended thousands of schools and professional courses I worked in various structures.

In 2016 I decided to open my private practice, I was encouraged by my hunger to learn and realize myself. The greatest difficulties were economic ones, always making trips around Italy and not yet working but the tenacity and love for this work led me to do second jobs to reach my goals, continue to train and open a training school professional.

I became aware of your association thanks to a colleague and friend prof. Salvo Nicosia with which you already have a collaboration.

My expectations are of professional and human growth, my intentions are to grow this association and make it known in my land (Sicily) I will put so much effort into this by creating events together with you.

Paolo Leone


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