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Maureen Maher

14 settembre alle ore 18:22

Do you want to learn the basics of BIOMECHANICAL CRANIAL OSTEOPATHY but don't know where to start?

We are now offering the Workbook that accompanies our six day CRASH course in THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CRANIAL OSTEOPATHY & CRANIO-SACRAL THERAPY to Osteopaths worldwide who do not have access to good biomechanically based Cranial Osteopathy courses in their area.

This is not Biodynamic energetic osteopathy, this

is Cranial Osteopathy as was mapped out by Sutherland and Uppledger. Based on scientifically proven anatomy and anatomic principles.

This Workbook contains theory, explanation, and color detailed visual images of the everything you need to know about the exact location of each cranial bone and how to idenfity them, how the Cranial Mechanism works, where each cranial suture is located, the functioning and purpose of the cranial venous sinus system, common cranial pathologies, learning to identify important patterns of cranial dysfunction and more! With homework assignments and step-by-step assessment forms to: * help guide you through the process of palpating for the cranial rhythmic impulse and charting it according to international standards * how to feel for each bone moving in relation to each other and what to expect * step by step process of evaluating a patient's cranium for potential dysfunction

This Workbook will give you the basics to need to be able to go on to learn and practice Osteopathic Protocols that require basic knowledge of Cranial Osteopathy. To order a copy of the Workbook visit our online store and scroll down to chose this Workbook. Please remember to specify International orders and include your mailing address during checkout. We print on demand and ship weekly. Have a question? Email us at


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