🇬🇧 🇨🇭International Board of Massage Therapist organizes intercultural exchanges:
Attention Physiotherapist
Excellent physiotherapy courses in Lugano, Switzerland🇨🇭
Kinesio Taping – 5 days Lymphatic Drainage - 5 days Spinal Manipulations – 3 levels – 6 days
These certified courses are provided by AIMA Swiss. Assistance with visa and accommodation – provided.
The Board of Massage International therapist organizes:
"Postgraduate Masters in Continuing Professional Education".
Soon there will be a series of intercultural courses organized by the Medical Monroe in Belfast,
and International Academy of applied massage therapy AIMA Swis Sagl Lugano.
We will have the honor of hosting classes composed of British physiotherapists as participants in postgraduate formations of excellence.
The institutions involved are precisely the Medical Monroe in Belfast
Monika Milczarek Managing Director Monroe Medical Ltd
and AIMA Swiss from Lugano
International Academy of Applied Massotherapy
004179 859 15 09 also on Messenger and WhatsApp lines
Director Gennaro Isabella
Contact the International Board of Massage therapist
004176 309 77 56 also on Messenger and WhatsApp lines
President Antonio Ruggio
International Mannager PR Dr. Agnieszka Balut
Medical Monroe, Belfast
AIMA Swiss sagl
International Board of Massage Therapist